Enjoy our chef-curated takeaway meals in the comfort of home.

With the recent social distancing regulations banning dine-in after 6pm and allowing only two people to sit at a table together, at least for now, some of us have decided to stay put, and stay home.
Hige presents sumptuous takeaway delicacies for you to stay at home and chill. Takeaway orders are available from 5:00pm to 8:00pm. Make your reservation 1 Day in advance to enjoy 10% EARLY BIRD discount.
For details & reservation, please contact us: 25033533
#Higeizakaya #Hige #居酒屋 #期間限定 #middleLevel #SetLunch #LunchSet #NewLunchSet #DeluxeDon #AngusSteak #Sashimi #Flavorful #JapanGourmet #Delicacy #hongkongdinner #middlelevelhk #TakeOutMeal #TakeOutSpecial #外賣自取優惠 #外賣自取 #JapaneseFoods #Japaneserestaurant #HKfoodie #HongKongEat #dinein #CentralHK #TakeAway